Prenatal Yoga Teacher Training Curriculum
This certification program is designed for 200-hour certified yoga teachers interested in learning how to help pregnant individuals enhance their experiences during pregnancy, childbirth, and beyond. If you work with prenatal individuals in another capacity (doula, midwife, pregnancy massage therapist, etc.) and are a yoga practitioner, please reach out to us at to discuss your participation in these courses.
What Students Are Saying
“If you are new, or even an experienced yoga teacher, I highly recommend taking this program so you have a better understanding of the asanas and modifications for your pregnant students." - Angela Lauretano
— Angela Lauretano
“I was very happy to see non-traditional prenatal poses. It was wonderful to see something new and different for pregnant mothers, and also a bit more challenging than traditional thinking.”
– Jennifer, RI
Prenatal Yoga Teacher Training Curriculum
Basic Prenatal Yoga Teacher Training
Students will learn the anatomy and physiology of the growing fetus and how this produces changes in the mother’s body during each trimester. Topics covered include fetal development, physiological and hormonal changes in the mother’s body as well as possible body responses to these changes. Appropriate asana, assisting, pranayama, sounding and meditation will be covered for each trimester, including after birth. Pregnancy discomforts during each stage will be explored along with ways to use yoga, non-traditional methods and traditional techniques to help alleviate these discomforts. Each day begins with a prenatal yoga class during which participants wear “pregnant bellies” for each trimester to simulate the experience of moving in a prenatal body. Class will be followed by theory, practical application and practice teaching. In addition, the course will provide tips for labor and birth, partner prenatal yoga and marketing oneself. Students will leave confident, qualified and comfortable to teach prenatal yoga.
Advanced Prenatal Yoga Teacher Training
Join us to deepen your understanding and skills of working with women who are pregnant. In this 32-hour program you will take home new information and skills to enhance your teaching of prenatal yoga as well as walk away with the ability to lead Yoga-Born, a childbirth education program steeped in the yoga tradition.
Continuing Education and Yoga Alliance Certification
To receive full credit from the Yoga Alliance and become a Registered Prenatal Yoga Teacher, students must complete both levels of the Pranakriya Prenatal Yoga Teacher Training, as well as the teaching/observation and reading requirements. In addition, once the 85 hours have been completed, participants must teach 30 hours of prenatal yoga. After all the work is completed, participant may submit paperwork to the Yoga Alliance.
Teaching Requirements
Level 1 – Observe/Participate in 3 prenatal yoga classes either before or after the Basic Prenatal Training
Level 2 – Observe/Participate in 3 prenatal yoga classes before or after the Advanced Prenatal Training
Spend 6 hours teaching with an E-RYT
Participate in 4 hours of peer teaching