Thank you for joining our 200-Hour Pranakriya Yoga Teacher Training!

Sign up below for access to our online resources for current teachers in training (and active members of PKTA).

Here’s how to use your online resources…


Create Your Account & Login

Use the sign up button above to create your account in our website and join the yoga teacher training resources membership. After signing up, navigate to the top right of the website and click on “Account” and navigate to the memberships tab to open up all resources. If your account does not appear automatically, click on “Login” and once you log in, your account will be there for you.

For members of PKTA, follow the same instructions, and the YTT Resources access will appear in your Account along with your PKTA access. It’s all in one place!

Audio Recordings and Videos

Here, you will find the audio recordings that you have assigned as your YTT homework, as well as video files to help you remember and practice cueing into and out of the postures that form part of the 200-hour YTT. Use them as much as you want to help you continue progressing as a teacher.

Pranayama tutorials and full classes also appear in these recordings.

Lost your Homework Sheet? Find it here!

Homework sheets for each of the current 200-hour YTT programs are available in this section. Please be sure you are choosing the materials for the correct studio. As other materials become available for YTT students, they will be added here as well.