Day 6: Kapalabhati & Kumbhakas
We've talked a lot of breath and awareness, and yesterday we practiced movement, today we'll explore pranayama.
Pranayama, the formal practice of controlling the breath, helps us experience aliveness. It raises energy, strengthens the witness (Buddhi awareness), and can cultivate chalana.
Chalana, or churning, challenges us.
It causes us to question the stories we tell and breaks down our Ahamakra, the ego.
Today in your experience, you'll be guided through two pranayama practices.
Today's theme: Kumbhaka & Kapalabhati
Why do we want to raise our energy?
Pranakriya Yoga believes in helping students explore the edges of their comfort zone and help them experience the aliveness within them.
This is why we practice pranayama. This is why we raise our energy.
Kumbhaka, or breath retention, allow us to explore those possibly uncomfortable edges. Kapalabhati, or skull polishing breath, helps to quickly move breath through the body and create aliveness.
They help you explore your inner world.
Below are your materials and practices for the day ⬇️:
After completing the experience, use the Day 6 writing prompt from your workbook to guide your journaling.
In light and breath,
Jai Bhagwan 🙏