Day 5: Kriyas & Breath

Prana, in Sanskrit, means "life force" while kriya is a movement, "completed action". 

These are the words that give us Pranakriya and inform the philosophy behind our school. 

So what does it mean to move our life force? And how can we do this intentionally?

That's what we'll explore in our lesson. 

Today's theme: Kriyas & Breath

Think about this quote from Yoganand Michael Carroll, "Fit the movement with the breath".

Pranakriya Yoga uses asana and pranayama to raise energy - think back to those subtle energies we discussed earlier in the week - with a strong focus on pranayama, our breath, in all classes. 

So what are kriyas and what does this have to do with breath? 

Kriyas are a tool in our yoga practice to help link breath to movement and bring ourselves into a more aware state of mind. They are a way to build the awareness we've discussed and make it a part of our physical yoga practice. 

Mindful movement - fitting movement with breath - helps us connect back to our physical layer and it's connect to everything deeper about us. 

So, are ready to step on your yoga mat?

Below are your materials and practices for the day ⬇️: 

In light and movement,
Jai Bhagwan 🙏


Day 6: Kapalabhati & Kumbhakas


Day 4: Self-Study & Non-Judgment