Day 4: Self-Study & Non-Judgment
Who do you think you are?
Have you always been this person?
These are tough, almost impossible to answering honestly, types of questions. But they're also some of the most necessary on any journey towards inner awareness.
Which is why we've crafted today's practice.
Today's theme: Self Study & Non-Judgment
That non-judgment part is VERY important.
Let's go back to that question: Who do you think you are?
Our life is filled with stories....stories about what we can and can't do. Stories about how we've been good people, the ways in which we've been maybe not our best selves. There's the stories told to us by others. We look back and re-tell the stories of others in our lives - the positive and negative affects they've had - and often times later down the road, all these stories change.
So who do you think you are?
That answer is as fluid as the stories we tell, and to truly know, we need to first let go of judgment. Often we get on the yoga mat and we say, this is my edge. I can't go deeper. I can't hold any longer. I can't meditate. I can't move that way. I don't understand that lesson. These are my limits.
We're saying this before the practice begins.
These are our stories and our judgements.
But, what if, you stepped on the mat with no story?
What can you discover about who you are, when you bring non-judgmental awareness, into your practice?
Today step on the mat, be present, and try to listen to who you truly are.
Below are your materials and practices for the day ⬇️:
After completing the experience, use the Day 4 writing prompt from your workbook to guide your journaling.
In light and self love,
Jai Bhagwan 🙏